--- state: archived --- Sorry for being so quiet, some stuff has been going on both in "real life" and personal. Personal wise - I wanted to go all out [[Linux]], switched from [[manjaro]] to a clean install of [[arch]], messing with [[i3 ]] and [[awesomewm]], trying [[vim]] for the 3rd time this year. - I want to have some centralized config file repository - does it exist? - Edit: Yes it does, no it does not have the features - I opened a issue for this, if someone wants to help me flesh this out I will implement it gladly - - if it doesn't add that to the backlog (more on that later) - I have been fleshing out my website, I want full control of my online identity [[a domain, much more]]. - while my own website is not feeling well (see below), I am now rolling my own [[password manager]], [[pastebin]], [[RSS]] reader, and [[webmail]]. - similarly, I have gone all out in custom email, this has been great! I have many [[sieve]] rules, my favorite being that it sorts mailing lists into their own folders, and also sorts stuff like "reddit.a@boehs.org" into its own folder. - it's still on my [[todo]] list to make my own garden focused static site generator, I have written a [[outline]] of it but one thing is still unclear, perhaps I will ask for feedback soon. - What's more (cc: [[Garden Representations]]), I have come to the conclusion that even a rss feed or a general blog like feed of posts (as opposed to the different pages that actually make up a blog) are also [[garden]]s - These are "stage two gardens", they come after the stage one gardens (the posts themselves) are made. - Theoretically, there can be unlimited stages of gardens - A stage three garden might be a RSS feed of the RSS feeds that make up - [[wikilinks everywhere]] I really want to finish. I really hate [[dom]] api's though! I miss well thought out programming languages (for instance, after setting innerhtml the variable becomes divorced and further changes don't do anything). I think I can finish it given time but more below. - So, what do I focus my time on? I have so many great projects, more ideas include - I have [[ADHD]], I learned this is a symptom - I have been aware of this for as long as I can remember - It frustrates me to death - Because I have so many ideas I have no idea what to focus on - They are all swirling around in my head - It's painful - Help - a [[coil]] clone running on real money that allows people to tip "fragements" ontop of the donations by usage from a set amount, say 5$ a month.